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Mechanical Repair Services

Victor motors were designed to last for many years, but over time, many problems can develop:

Victor soundboxes can deteriorate, causing low volume, distortion, or no sound at all:

Other mechanical issues can develop:

These repairs can be done through many qualified sources, or by the competent home-handyman. Step by step instructions can be found in some of the books listed in the RESOURCES section of this website. However, the process of cleaning 100 year-old hardened grease off the springs and attempting to remove and replace the large steel spring assemblies can be very messy, difficult and even treacherous unless extreme care is taken.

We regret that we are unable to answer "how do I fix it?" questions, or to provide individual repair/servicing instructions for each type of motor. This is due to the fact that we receive over 100 inquiries daily on this topic, and that our operations are related to historical research and not mechanical repairs. Please refer to our RESOURCES section for books and information on repair of phonographs.


We confidently recommend the following repair services:


George Vollema

Great Lakes Antique Phonograph

9496 N. Woodbridge Ave

Bitely MI 49309

(231) 745-7175



George is a fantastic resource for all kinds of Victrola parts, cabinets, etc...and he does first-class repairs


Antique Phonograph Supply Company (APSCO)

P.O.Box 123

Route 23

Davenport Center, New York  13751

(607) 278-6218

(Top quality repairs and many parts too!!)


Wyatts Musical Americana

P.O.Box 601

Lakeport, California  95453

(707) 263-5013

(Great resource on the west coast)


Brian Nix

709 Amesbury Court   

Sarnia, Ontario, Canada

N7V 2P9

(519) 466-2169

Due to health issues "Dr. Bob" is transitioning the business over to his son Brian to maintain the same level of quality and trust that has been provided since 1996.




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